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Creates a Mesh

This component empowers you to have maximum flexibility to render any kind of WebGL visuals you can think of. This component assumes a certain level of WebGL knowledge.

Pretty much all WebGL can be broken down into the following:

  • Geometry - The structure and data for the mesh. This can include anything from positions, uvs, normals, colors etc.
  • Shader - This is the shader that PixiJS will render the geometry with (attributes in the shader must match the geometry)
  • State - This is the state of WebGL required to render the mesh.


Mesh Attributes

blend-modeBLEND_MODES.NORMALThe blend mode to be applied to the sprite.

number Topology

TopologyThe draw mode to be used.
geometryobjectundefinedThe geometry the mesh will use.

more props in Container Props and PIXI.Mesh

Mesh Events

renderfunctionCall your drawing functions on the PIXI.Mesh instance here

more events in Container Events