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Creates a NineSlicePlane

Allows you to stretch a texture using 9-slice scaling. The corners will remain unscaled (useful for buttons with rounded corners for example) and the other areas will be scaled horizontally and or vertically


NineSlicePlane Attributes

blend-modeBLEND_MODES.NORMALThe blend mode to be applied to the sprite.

number Topology

TopologyThe draw mode to be used.
texturestring objectundefinedThe texture to use on the NineSlicePlane.
left-widthnumberundefinedThe width of the left column of the grid
right-widthnumberundefinedThe width of the right column of the grid
top-heightnumberundefinedThe height of the top row of the grid
bottom-heightnumberundefinedThe height of the bottom row of the grid
geometryobjectundefinedThe geometry the mesh will use.

more props in Container Props and PIXI.NineSlicePlane

NineSlicePlane Events

renderfunctioncustom render function

more events in Container Events